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Sony released a MAJOR Firmware update for the Sony A7rV

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Sony released a MAJOR Firmware update for the Sony A7rV

Benefits and Improvements with the Sony A7RV Firmware Update Ver. 3.00

  • You can now continue shooting while transferring captured photos and videos to a smartphone or tablet
    Note: Ver. 2.5.0 or later of the Creators' App is necessary. The Creators' App may not be available in some countries or regions. For more information, please visit the Creators' Cloud support website.
  • Transfer to smartphones and tablets can now be resumed even if interrupted in the middle of a transfer
    Note: Ver. 2.5.0 or later of the Creators' App is necessary. The Creators' App may not be available in some countries or regions. For more information, please visit the Creators' Cloud support website.
  • You can now transfer only the differences that have not yet been transferred to your smartphone or tablet, or add videos to be transferred during the transfer process
    Note: Ver. 2.5.0 or later of the Creators' App is necessary. The Creators' App may not be available in some countries or regions. For more information, please visit the Creators' Cloud support website.
  • Allows you to upload camera images directly to the Creators' Cloud app
    • Settings must be adjusted in the Creators' App in advance. For more information, please visit the Creators' App support website.
    • Ver. 2.5.0 or later of the Creators' App is necessary. This service may not be available in some countries or regions. For more information, please visit the Creators' Cloud support website.
  • Adds support for the Network Streaming function
    • Settings must be adjusted in the Creators' App in advance. For more information, please visit the Creators' App support website.
    • Ver. 2.5.0 or later of the Creators' App is necessary. The Creators' App may not be available in some countries or regions. For more information, please visit the Creators' Cloud support website.
  • Adds support for the Monitor & Control app
    Note: The Monitor & Control app connects wirelessly to a camera and enables video monitoring and remote control with a smartphone or tablet device. Ver. 2.1.0 or later of the Monitor & Control app is necessary. The Monitor & Control app may not be available in some countries or regions.
  • Adds a function that automatically creates still images with Shot Marks from movie frames after recordings
    Note: You can add a Shot Mark while shooting or playing a movie and use it as a mark for selecting, transferring, or editing the movie.
  • Increases the maximum number of images that can be recorded in one folder to 9,999
  • Displays the Wi-Fi signal strength when the Wi-Fi function is On
  • Allows the use of Focus Magnifier and Auto Magnifier in MF while using the Bright Monitoring feature
  • Allows notifications to be displayed when the latest software is available for your camera
  • Adds support for the Custom Grid Line feature
    Note: The Custom Grid Line feature is available as a paid license. Availability depends on country and region.
  • Fixes an issue where Auto Review is not displayed on the camera during HDMI output
  • Improves the functionality and operational stability of the camera




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vor 39 Minuten schrieb D700:

In den letzten 10 Jahren mit Sony E und diversen verschiedenen Bodies hatte ich noch nie ein Problem mit einem FW Update :classic_wacko:

Naja, ich kann mich noch gut an das Theater mit der a7 IV und deren Updates erinnern. Ich würde da also nicht verallgemeinern wollen.


Bei Threads zu Firmwareupdates, besonders bei Majorreleases, fände ich es schön, wenn der Threadersteller die Änderungen bei der neuen Firmware mit angibt. 🙂

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